Our Voices

Independence For Whom?

Independence Day: An introspection for the significance of the 4th of July and what it really represents By: Nicole Lashomb*/Editor-in-Chief⁠— As the July 4 federal…

Racism, Black Lives Matter & Police Abuse

In this Creep of the Week, during Pride month, Witkowski talks Black Lives Matter, Racism, Stonewall, Colin Kaepernick, and more By: D’Anne Witkowski*/Special to TRT—…

Embracing Your Light to Awaken Others

Faith, Family, and Creator, the author reflects on the light that we all are By: Paul P. Jesep*/TRT Faith Columnist— A recent news story reminded…

Valentine’s Day: Are You Ready For It?

Will Solitude Be Your Companion on Valentine’s Day? By: Deja Nicole Greenlaw */TRT Columnist— It’s February and that means Valentine’s Day is approaching. Valentine’s Day…