
Pres. Obama Asks Staff to Prepare Executive Order

In a sudden but not necessarily unexpected gesture, the White House indicated today that President Obama has “directed his staff” to prepare an executive order to prohibit federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Michael Lucas Takes Aim at Russia

In New Documentary, Campaign of Hate: Russia and Gay Propaganda By: Mike Bahr*/Special to TRT— As most of the world moves forward toward gay equality,…

‘12 Years a Slave,’ Tactics and Pride

By: Nicole Lashomb/Editor-in-Chief— Pride season is not only a time of year where we come together as one community, celebrating, advocating, and affirmatively being who…

Creep of the Week: Franklin Graham and His Homophobic Jesus & Bible

There are a lot of things about the right-wing universe that don’t make a lot of sense to me. The fanatical obsession with the unborn paired with the callous disregard of poor children and their families, for example. The insistence that the Bible is literal and must be adhered to, and yet the careful cherry picking of what passages they actually want to follow.

Supreme Court Seems to Lean Toward Religious Exemptions

Nobody spoke about recent efforts to circumvent laws protecting LGBT from discrimination by claiming religious motivations; nobody pointed out that people with religious objections to contraception often have religious objections to alternative insemination for lesbians and condom distribution for safe sex education.